Welcome to Juan Díez-Nicolás and ASEP's web page. We wish that the contents that are offered in it will be of interest to you. This web page, in as much as possible, will be bilingual Spanish-English. It is subdivided in two large sections, on the one hand focused on the activities of ASEP (Análisis Sociológicos, Económicos y Políticos S.A.), on its history since it was founded in 1982, on its surveys, its documents and data files, on its "products" at large. On the other hand, a second section focused on Prof. Juan Díez-Nicolás, President of ASEP, on his biography, his personal publications, and his personal archive of documents relative to his public life. Users may go from ASEP's section to Díez-Nicolás's section at any time, and vice versa.
This web page is still under construction, and eventually there will always be additions of new documents in either section, as we think that a web page must always be dynamic, must always be updated not only periodically, but whenever there is something new to be added. For this reason, the page is now opened with the contents that seem to be more important, but new documents will be added whenever they are available.
We hope to recover many other surveys, including their reports and data files, conducted when other formats different from word were used, and when there were no spss files to store the data, and through an effort comparable to archeology we shall attempt to offer researchers in the social sciences and the interested public at large all relevant and available surveys. All new contents will always be announced in the web page itself.
The section on Juan Díez-Nicolás includes the following folders:
Biography (which includes present and past activities, positions held in the private and public sectors, more important research activities, important public lectures, recent publications and other merits and distinctions)
Publications (which includes in pdf format all his publications so that they may be read in the screen or downloaded by the user, according to their needs, and always free of any charge, organized in the following sub-folders: Books, Articles and book chapters, Press, Media citations, Other publications , and List of public lectures. All publications are ordered by date of publication, since the oldest to the most recent one.
Documents, which includes two sub-folders:
Public (including a large number of notes, reports, memoranda, written as part of his work in the private and the public sectors, which we expect that they may be used by historians and social scientists, since being private and therefore classified, after a certain time they may have some historical value)
Personal (including all kinds of personal documents relative to Juan Díez-Nicolás private life and which may be of value to have a deeper view of the person as such, not as a public academic or political person). Obviously, while all publications will be uploaded in the web immediately, documents will be uploaded at convenient times, in order not to influence in any manner present persons or institutions, but which may have some historical and/or biographic value.
At present, ASEP's section includes the following folders:
History of ASEP (a document that explains the performance of ASEP since its foundation in 1982);
ASEP's Monthly Poll, which includes the following sub-folders: Monthly reports (relative to the monthly national survey conducted since October-November 1986 to October-November 2011, and to which other surveys, not with monthly periodicity but with a similar structure, will be added); Flashes (which is an executive summary of each monthly report, but including a full personal analysis of the social and political context at the time when the fieldwork was conducted; Data Files, (in spss format, to allow interested users to download the data files with the raw data, in order to make the analysis they consider more convenient);
Thematic Collections (aggregated data files on a specific theme, based on surveys that ASEP has replicated several times at different dates, as is the case with three topics, political culture, attitudes towards immigrants, and identification with Europe);
CIRES' COLLECTION (a project that includes 52 surveys conducted by ASEP for the BBV, Caja Madrid and BBK foundations between 1990 and 1996, and which offers for each survey the questionnaire, the frequency distribution for each question, and the data file in spss format);
Other Surveys (surveys ad hoc conducted by ASEP but without any periodicity nor as part of a specific colllection that includes two sub-folders:
Other reports (which includes the reports of these surveys), and
Other data files (where other the data files will be included).