(January 2024)
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Web: www.juandieznicolas.es
* Secondary Education, Instituto Nacional de Enseñanza Media “Ramiro de Maeztu”, Madrid, (1948-55). * Scholarship, American Field Service (Oswego, Oregon, USA, 1955-56). * High School Diploma, LOHS, 1956. * Diploma "Degré Superieur" in French Language and Civilization, Universities of Toulouse and Bordeaux, Pau, 1958. * M.A. in Political Science, Universidad Complutense, Madrid (1960). * First Award of UCM-M.A.’s in Political Science, 1960. * National First Award in Political Science, 1961. * Diploma from the School of Industrial Organization (speciality in Business Organizations), Madrid, 1961. * Fulbright Fellowship, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich., USA, 1961-63. * M.A. in Sociology, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1962. * Population Council Fellow, 1963-64. * Ph.D. in Political Science, Universidad Complutense, Madrid (1967). * Full Professor (tenured) in Sociology (1971), U. of Granada at Malaga, Spain.
Director of 27 doctoral dissertations 1968 to 2020
Eight teaching five-year terms (1964-2003)
Six research six-year terms (1962-1997) (The law does not admit more than six).
• Member (elected) of the Royal Academy of Moral and Political Sciences, medal 26, Madrid, 2018- .
• Member (elected) of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, Salzburg, 2001- (Delegate for Spain 2014-2020).
• Member (elected) of the Executive Committee of the World Values Survey Association (2022-28), (formerly Vice-Chair 2013-2016, member of the Steering and Executive Committee, elected 1993-2004, Vice-President 2004-2008, Permanent Advisor 2008-2016, Chair of the Scientific Advisory Committee (elected) 2016-22).
• Director, Chair on Social Development, Camilo Jose Cela U., Madrid, 2019- .
• Co-editor, Business & Society Review, Camilo Jose Cela U., Madrid 2021- .
• Director, Centre for Research on Social Values (CIVAS), Camilo José Cela University, Madrid 2023-
• Co-Director, International Seminar World Values Survey, U. of Almería, 2017- .
• Honorary Professor, University of Almeria, 2017- ..
• Professor Emeritus of Sociology, Department of Sociology II (Human Ecology and Population), School of Political Sciences and Sociology, Complutense University of Madrid (Full Professor 1975-2008, Professor Emeritus 2008- ).
• Founder-President, Análisis Sociológicos, Económicos y Políticos (ASEP), 1982-
• PI for Spain in the following international research groups: World Values Survey, WVS 1990- ; International Social Survey Program, ISSP, 1993- ; Comparative Study of Electoral Systems, CSES, 1994- .
• Regular lecturer at CESEDEN (Higher Study Centre for National Defence), and ESFAS (Armed Forces Schools) 1974- .
• Member (elected) of the Free Emeritus College, 2011- , and member of its Academic Committee, 2020-
• Senior Researcher at the Royal Institute Elcano 2014- (Formerly member of the Scientific Council 2002-2014), Advisory Committee of Corporate Excellence, 2011-
• Member of editorial committees of different social science journals in Spain, Russia and other countries.
• VII Call for Grants of UCJC’s Competitive Research 2020-2021. Comparative International Analysis of Opinions and Attitudes about Values that should be Taught to Childresn. (VALNI).
• Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica de Innovación 2013-2016: Perception of Security in a Comparative International Perspective (PESPIC). 2014-2015 (project funded by the National Research Plan CSO2013-48073-R)
• European Commission, FP-7 Program: Political and Social Transformations in the Arab World, 2013-2015 (ARAB TRANS).
• Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Plan Nacional: World Values Survey 2010 in Spain and Morocco, 2011-12.
• SIDA Foundation, Sweden: World Values Survey 2005 in Spain and Morocco, 2006-08.
• Ministerio del Interior de España: Consequences of Foreign Immigation on the Spanish Labour Market, 2002-03.
• Fundación Telefónica en Marruecos: World Values Survey 2001 in Spain and Morocco, 2000-2003.
• Plan Nacional de Investigación, Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid: Socio-economic Factors of Fertility in Spain and in the Madrid Region, 1975-2000, 2000-01.
• CICYT, MEC, España: World Values Survey 1995 in Spain, 1994-96.
• Ford Foundation: Fertility in Spain, 1971-73.
• Instituto Balmes de Sociología, CSIC: Volume, Density and Growth of the Spanish Population, 1969-70.
• Fundación Manuel Aguilar: Spanish Major Cities, 1968-69.
• Fundación FOESSA: A Catalogue of Social Indicators on Spain, 1967-68.
• Fundación Juan March: Functional Specialization and Dominance in Urban Spain, 1965-67.
• The Population Council of America : Functional Specialization and Dominance in Urban Spain, 1963-64.
2018: ● “Qualities that should be taught to children: World Comparative Analysis”, Ideological and Political Education Center, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Popular Republic of China, June 19-21. ● “Information Exposure in MENA region countries”, (WAPOR) Annual Conference, Marrakech, June 26-30. ● Cycle of lectures on Social Research and consultant, Ideological and Political Education Center, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Popular Republic of China, October 10th to November 10th.
2019: ● “Qualities that should be taught to children: World Comparative Analysis”, Spanish Delegation of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, Club Financiero, Madrid, March. ● Director and Lecturer at the summer seminar on Security in the Mediterranean II, Almería U., july. ● “Comparative Social Research”, Spanish Federation of Sociology , Valencia, July. ● “Gypsies in Spain”, Presencia Gitana and Council of Europe, Msdrid, October. ● “The role of religion in a secularized world”, Seminar of HM Queen Sofía, Institute of Spain, Madrid, October. ● “Sociology of Defence”, Royal Academy of Moral and Political Sciences, Madrid, December.
2020: ● “Educational reform in Spain”, Royal Academy of Moral and Political Sciences, Madrid. February. ● “Climate Change and Concern for the Environment”, 73rd Annual Conferfence, World Association for Public Opinion Research, Salamanca (Spain), October.
2021: ● “Preferences about qualities that should be taught to children: a world comparative analysis”. 26th World Congress of Political Science. International Political Science Association. Lisbon, Portugal. July. ● “Population Aging and the social role of the elderly”, Royal Academy of Moral and Political Sciences, Madrid, November. ● “Population Aging and the social role of older people”, Scientific Conference with International Participation “Strategies for the Development of Society and Social Work”, Southern Federal University. Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
2022: ● “Evolución de la Sociedad Española en el siglo XX-XXI”. Curso de Altos Estudios Estratégicos para Oficiales Superiores Iberoamericanos. EALEDE-CESEDEN, Madrid, April. ● “La planificación vital de una vida centenaria”. Consejo General del Notariado. Málaga, May.
2023: ● “Cualidades que deberían enseñarse a los niños, en el Mundo y en España”, Real Academia de Ciencias Morales y Políticas, Madrid, Noviembre. ● “La Sociedad de la Democracia”, Academia Argentina de Ciencias Morales y Políticas y Real Academia de Ciencias Morales y Políticas de España, Buenos Aires, Abril. ● “España en una encrucijada electoral”, Club de Opinión Encuentros, El Pardo, Madrid, junio.
38 books, 22 articles and book chapters in academic journals, 102 other minor publications, and 230 press articles. All my publications are accesible in www.juandieznicolas.es The most recent are:
• La Globalización: El Proceso de Expansión de los Sistemas Sociales, Real Academia de Ciencias Morales y Políticas, Madrid.
• "Socio-Cultural Differences in Social Exclusion" (con Ana María López Narbona). Changing Societies & Personalities. Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 105–142.
• "Reflexiones sobre la posible reforma de la Constitución", en B. Pendás, E. González y R. Rubio (coord.), España Constitucional (1978-2018) 5 vols, Vol. I, Madrid: Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales, pp. 577-589.
• "Sociologia de la Defensa", en Jesús Rafael Argumosa Pila (ed.), Defensa: Estado y Sociedad, El caso de España, Salamanca-Stockholm: Instituto Europeo de Estudios Internacionales.
• "Exclusión social de los vecinos en una perspectiva comparada mundial." ("Social Exclusion of Neighbours in Comparative World Perspective"). Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 166: 45-64.
• "La Opinión pública de los españoles y la transición política", en Miguel Martínez Cuadrado (dir.), Reforma constitucional en Europa y en España. Madrid: Ed. Pons.
• "Tendencias de cambio en el mundo y en España", VIII Informe FOESSA. Documento de trabajo 1.1, Madrid: Fundación FOESSA.
• "La Predicción en Ciencias Sociales”. Anales de la Real Academia de Ciencias Morales y Políticas. LXXI, no. 96. Curso Académico 2018-2019. Madrid: RACMYP.
• “La exposición a la información en los países árabes”. (con Javier Díez Medrano). Revista Española de Sociología, 28 (3, supl. 2), 23-43.
• Los Valores Sociales y Culturales: Como surgen, como se difunden y como cambian. Madrid: Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas.
• "La reforma educativa en España”, Anales de la Real Academia de Ciencias Morales y Políticas. LXXII, no. 97. Curso Académico 2019-2020. Madrid: RACMYP, 303-326.
• “The perception of security in a world comparative perspective”. Brussels: TEPSA briefs. May.
• “Disequilibrium between economic and political integration: post crisis challenges for the EU”. Brussels: TEPSA briefs. August.
• “A critical view at the Spanish University of the 1970s: The editorial analysis of Didascalia magazine (1970-1975)” (co-authored). Madrid: EduPsykhé, 2021, Vol. 18(2).
• “Aging population and the social role of older people”, Society Development Strategies and Social Work. Fourth all-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation. Rostov-on-Don–Taganrog: Southern Federal University Press.
• “Desinformar con estadísticas”, Academia Europea de Ciencias y Artes de Salzburgo (AECYA), https://aecya.org/desinformar-con-estadisticas/
• “Juan Díez Nicolás (1938). Premio Nacional de Sociología y Ciencia Política 2012”, en Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas, Trayectorias en Sociología y Ciencia Política. Madrid: Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas.
• “The educational reform in the Spain of late Francoism. A critical perspective through the journal Didascalia (1970-1975). Madrid: EduPsykhé, 2022, Vol. 19(1).
• “El envejecimiento de la población y el papel social de los mayores”, Anales de la Real Academia de Ciencias Morales y Políticas. LXXIV, no. 99. Curso Académico 2021-2022. Madrid: RACMYP, 37-58.
• “La Seguridad y la Guardia Civil”, Revista Lógos Guardia Civil, número especial, febrero, 143-164.
• “La Imagen Social de las Fuerzas Armadas comparada con la de otras instituciones sociales y políticas: Análisis comparado internacional”, Actas del I Congreso Cívico Militar de Sociología, Madrid: Ministerio de Defensa, 220-238.
• “La Planificación Vital de una vida Centenaria”, en Rodrigo Tena Arregui (coordinador), El Envejecimiento de la Sociedad: Principal Desafío del Siglo, Madrid: XII Congreso Notarial Español.
“Cualidades que deberían enseñarse a los niños en el Mundo y en España”, en Anales de la Real Academia de Ciencias Morales y Políticas LXXV. Madrid: Real Academia de Ciencias Morales y Políticas y Boletín Oficial del Estado
• Director, Chair on Sociology of Values, European Institute of International Studies, Salamanca (Spain) and Stockholm (Sweden), 2018- 21.
• Invited lecturer on Social Research and Data Analysis, IPEC, North East Normal University, Changchun, Jilin Province, Popular Republic of China, October 2018.
• Director, Chair for Research in the Social Sciences and Security, Universidad Europea de Madrid, 2013- 2017.
• Analyst of the survey data of "2eme édition de l'Enquête Nationale sur le lien sociale ", Institute Royale d'Etudes Stratégiques (IRES), Rabat, Morocco, novembre 2016.
• Member of the Executive Committee and Associate-Director for Southern Europe, European Centre for Survey Research, University of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK, (2011-2015)
• President, Fundación AGE (Active Aged with Great Experience), (2014-2017)
• International Consultant, “Elections observation in Belarus”, Eurasia Barometer, octubre 2015.
• Member, Group of Experts on Cultural Diversity and Development UNDP/Spain Millennium Development Goals Achievement Fund (MDG-F), United Nations (2007).
• Member, Experts Committee for the study of “Dependence in Spain” (appointed by the Secretary of State for Social Security in Spain, 2003-04).
• Member, “Comité des Sages” for the “Dialogue between peoples and cultures in the Mediterranean region”, (appointed by Mr. Romano Prodi, President of the European Commission, 2002-2004).
• Vice-President for Membership and Finance, International Sociological Association, (elected 1998-2002), (formerly member, Executive Committee, elected 1994-98).
• President, Forum for the Social Integration of Immigrants, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (elected 1999-2001).
• Member (elected) of the Board of Directors, Roper Center, University of Connecticut (1997-2000)
• President, Spanish Federation of Sociology (FES, elected 1995-1998).
• Consultant for Project SIGMA: Opinion Polls for the Reform of Public Administration in former communist countries, OCDE (1997).
• Vice-President (as expert), Economic and Social Council of the Autonomous Community of Madrid (1992-98).
• Member, Group of Experts that drafted the proposal on the “Viability of an European Social Survey", European Science Foundation, (1995-96).
• Founder-Director, Centre for Research on Social Reality (CIRES, 1990-96).
• Chair, Seminar on “Society and Armed Forces”, Institute of Strategic Studies, CESEDEN, Ministry of Defence (1983-92).
• Chair, Commission for Public Administration Statistics, National Institute of Statistics, Ministry of the Presidency (1982-91).
• Chair, European Population Committee, the Council of Europe (elected 1985-87), (formerly Vice-chair and member of the Bureau, elected 1982-85).
• Advisor to the Vice-President for Political Affairs of the Spanish Government (1982).
• Member, Political Council of the Centre Democratic Union Party (UCD, elected 1981-82).
• National Secretary of Information, Centre Democratic Union Party (1981).
• Member of the “Provisional Government” (Committee of State Secretaries and Deputy Ministers that was established on the night of 23-24 February, 1981 to curb and break up the attempt to “coup d’Etat” that kidnapped Parliament and the Government of Spain).
• Deputy-Minister for Regional Planning and Environment and President of the Inter-ministerial Committee on Environment (CIMA), Ministry of Public Works and Urbanism (1979-81).
• Founder-Director General of the Centre for Sociological Research (CIS), Ministry of the Presidency (1977-1979).
• Director General, Public Opinion Institute (1976-1977), Ministry of the Presidency.
• Founder-Chair, Human Ecology and Population Department, Faculty of Political Sciences and Sociology, Complutense University, Madrid (elected 1975-1992).
• Full Professor (tenured) in Sociology (Human Ecology and Population), Faculty of Political Sciences and Sociology, Complutense University, Madrid, (1975-2008).
• Rector, National University for Education at a Distance (UNED, 1974-77).
• MP (as Rector), Spanish Cortes (Parliament) (1974-76).
• Member of the National Council on Education (1974-77)-
• Founder-Director General, National Institute for Educational Sciences (INCIE), Ministry of Education and Science (INCIE, 1974-76).
• Director General of Social Planning and Secretary of the Inter-ministerial Committee on Environment (CIMA), Ministry of Planning (1973-74).
• Vice-Rector, University of Malaga, Malaga (1972-73), (formerly Vice-Dean of the School of Economic and Entrepreneurial Sciences, University of Granada at Malaga, 1971-72).
• Full Professor of Sociology at the Faculty of Political Science and Sociology, Universidad Complutense of Madrid, and Full Professor of Sociology at the Faculty of Economics and Entrepreneurial Sciences, Universidad Autonoma of Madrid (1971-1973).
• Full Professor (tenured) in Sociology at the University of Granada (1971-72) and at the University of Malaga (1972-75).
• Secretary for Social Sciences, Juan March Foundation (1970-1979).
• Advisor to the Director General of Urbanism and Founder-Secretary of the Inter-ministerial Committee for the Enhancement of the Environment, Ministry of Housing (1970-71).
• Lecturer in Sociology, Instituto Social Leon XIII (U. Pontificia de Salamanca (1963-1971) and the Church School of Journalism (1970-71).
• Co-founder of the Public Opinion Institute. Technical Director and Secretary General, 1963-69, Ministry of Information and Tourism.
• Teacher of English at the Instituto Nacional de Enseñanza Media “Ramiro de Maeztu”, 1956-61.
• World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR) Helen Dinerman Award for life contribution to the field of public opinion, 72nd Annual Conference, Toronto, May 2019
• Great Cross of Alfonso X el Sabio, 2014.
• Medal for Police Merit, with white ribbon, 2013
• National Award in Sociology and Political Science from Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 2012
• Honorary Rector, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, 2012.
• Doctor Ad Honorem in Political Science and Sociology, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, 2012.
• Medal for Constitutional Merit, 2011.
• Award “Hidalgo” given by Presencia Gitana (Gypsy Presence, 1998).
• Cross for Naval Merit, 1994
• Golden Medal, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, 1992
• Great Cross for Military Merit, with white ribbon, 1975.
• Research Prize “Diego Saavedra Fajardo”, CSIC, 1970.
• Medal for Civil Merit, 1968.
• Silver Victor, 1961.